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Alfalfa Leaf (Highest Chlorophyll Alkalinizing Herb)

Alfalfa Leaf (Highest Chlorophyll Alkalinizing Herb)

•Nutrient-Rich Superfood with Vitamins and Minerals

•Contains 8 Essential Amino Acids

•Highest Chlorophyll Content Among Plants

•Common Base in Herbal Combinations for Rapid Nutrient Absorption

•Acts as a Diuretic and Natural Laxative

•Neutralizes Acids in the Intestinal Tract

•Aids in Food Digestion Due to High Enzyme Content

•Rich in Vitamin K2 for Bone Health

•Strong Alkalinizing Agent for the Body

•Purifies the Liver and Blood from Chemicals and Heavy Metals

•Used to Relieve Inflammation, Including Arthritis and Rheumatism

•Helps Stabilize Blood Sugar When Taken with Manganese

•Improves Pituitary Gland Function

•High Vitamin K Content Benefits Gum and Nose Bleeds

•Stimulates the Immune System

•Reduces Water Retention

•Natural Fluoride Aids in Preventing Tooth Decay and Tooth Rebuilding

•Used in Treating Allergies, Anemia, Bursitis, Gout, and Hypertension.

  • Nutritional Benefits of Alfalfa

    • Source of many essential vitamins including vitamins A, D, E, K, and the entire spectrum of B vitamins. 
    • Contains many important minerals such as iron, niacin, folic acid, calcium, potassium, and phosphorous. 
    • Has the highest chlorophyll content of any plant, and also carries all 8 chlorophyll boosting amino acids.  
    • Is an excellent source of protein. When in the form of alfalfa meal the plant is 25% protein. 
    • Is used as a base in many combinations and in vitamin formulas because it permits rapid assimilation of plant elements. 


  • How to use

    Drink as a tea or it can also be added to meals like soups and casseroles to help boost the nutritional content. It does not have any effect on the flavor of the meal so it is easy to sneak in.


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